
22. Our 2023 Return to Table Stakes: Update from Marcy and Veerless


21. Raising Your Ethics Game with Lisa Beth Lentini Walker


20. The Power of Your Personal Carbon Footprint to Change Big Business

We know that companies and governments must be leaders in fighting the threat of climate change. But individuals have a clear role to play as well. Our guests today lead Aurora Sustainability, an innovative platform for individuals to calculate, understand, and address their carbon footprint. Aurora’s model is unique in that it brings together individuals and the companies they work for to collectively address carbon footprint and climate change. 

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19. Acknowledging the Messiness of “People Business” with O’Brien McMahon


18. 2021 Trends Forecast in ESG, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility

For our 2021 trends forecast, we’ve broken down four overarching trends and definitions of those trends. And in each of those four areas, outlining a trend in action (happening right now), a trend in development (starting to happen), and a trend in decline (was a trend in recent years but diminishing today). From diversity to CEO activism, from body positivity to corporate philanthropy, these trends span the fields of CSR, ESG and sustainability in 2021.

This podcast is accompanied by an article published on LinkedIn with full details of the trends we outlined in the episode. Read it here.

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17. Your 2021 Impact Plan to Create the World You Want with Author Tammy Tibbetts

We all want to have a positive impact on our communities and the world we live in. But it’s easy to get stuck on where to start and how to achieve our impact goals. In Impact: A Step-by-Step Plan to Create the World You Want to Live In, authors Tammy Tibbetts and Christen Brandt give readers a workbook for anyone who wants to reevaluate the impact they make in the world personally. You set a strategy for your financial life, your career, your family – you should have a strategy for your social impact as well. January is the perfect time of year to go through the steps in Christen and Tammy’s book and set your intentions and goals for 2021.

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16. Set a 2021 Sustainability Resolution

January 1, 2021 is right around the corner, and as you think about setting your 2021 resolutions, we’re challenging you to make one big commitment related to a sustainability or social issue. In this episode, Marcy takes you through her 5-year journey of setting a sustainability challenge/resolution every year, how to do it, and what you’ll learn.

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15. Embedding Sustainability in the DNA of a 200 Year Old Company at Monadnock Paper Mills

When we think of leaders in sustainability, it’s unlikely we might think first of a 200-year old company. But a company’s age doesn’t always mean “old-school.” Today, we’re joined by the team from Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc. Their work is a gold standard example of a company who has built sustainability into the DNA of its business. With a passion for the environment and ingenuity, Monadnock is turning ideas into reality.

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14. Investing in Talent Sustainability May Just Save Your Business – And Your People

A special crossover episode with our sister podcast, Office Baggage. As companies around the world cope with the ramifications of a global crisis, it’s more important than ever to ensure our company’s leaders and future leaders feel engaged and supported and have the tools necessary to future-proof your talent and succession strategy. There needs to be a massive shift in how we are training and building successful and sustainable workforces at every level of seniority. Partners Kirsten Ramos, Elevate Performance Solutions and Sophia Ruffolo, femmebought, and Marcy Twete, MT Consulting, are sharing their new program – Upskilling Remotely, Building Talent and Trust for the Future – inspiring companies to invest in managerial trust, preventing “diversity drain” and more.

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13. Help! My Sustainability Report Sucks – 4 Pieces of Advice to Make It Better

For many CSR and sustainability professionals, we are entering the dreaded “reporting season.” For many of us, sustainability or CSR reports are one of the most important aspects of our roles. So why do we hate these processes so much? Why are they so frustrating and headache inducing? Today’s solocast from host Marcy Twete gives you four actionable pieces of advice that can help make your reporting process run smoothly.

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